
The GMO Equity Dislocation Strategy seeks high total return. It aims to own attractively valued equities while correspondingly shorting equities where we believe that valuations are reflective of implausible growth expectations. Currently, the Strategy is long global Value, short global Growth, to take advantage of the exceptionally wide valuation spread between Value and Growth.

The eligible universe for both the long and short side spans the market capitalization spectrum and includes both developed and emerging markets. Utilizing GMO’s proprietary Price to Fair Value model to actively select the cheapest and most expensive stocks, the portfolio is diversified across sectors, countries, and regions and is intended to be approximately beta neutral.





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Risks associated with investing in the Fund may include Equities Risks, Short Investment Exposure Risks, Risks of Non-U.S. Investments, Preferred Securities Risk and Depositary Receipts Risk. For a more complete discussion of these risks and others, please consult the Fund's offering documents.

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