The GMO Emerging Markets ex-China Strategy seeks total return in excess of that of its benchmark, the MSCI Emerging Markets ex-China Index. GMO uses proprietary quantitative techniques and fundamental analysis to evaluate and select countries, sectors, and equity investments based on factors including, but not limited to, valuation, quality, patterns of price movement and volatility, and macroeconomic factors. GMO also may consider ESG (environmental, social and governance) criteria and expects the Strategy will have a value bias relative to its benchmark.
Emerging Markets Ex-China Strategy
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Risks associated with investing in the Strategy may include: (1) Market Risk - Equities: the market price of equities may decline due to factors affecting the issuer, its industries, or the economy and equity markets generally. Declines in stock market prices generally are likely to reduce the net asset value of the Fund's shares; (2) Non-U.S. Investment Risk: the market prices of many non-U.S. securities (particularly of companies tied economically to emerging countries) fluctuate more than those of U.S. securities. Many non-U.S. markets (particularly emerging markets) are less stable, smaller, less liquid, and less regulated than U.S. markets, and the cost of trading in those markets often is higher than it is in U.S. markets; and (3) Currency Risk: fluctuations in exchange rates can adversely affect the market value of the Fund's non-U.S. currency holdings and investments denominated in non-U.S. currencies. This is not a complete list of risks associated with investing in the Strategy. Please contact GMO for more information.