How to Invest

If you would like more information, please contact us or contact your GMO relationship manager.


The target market for GMO UCITS is institutional investors. The minimum initial investment size in GMO UCITS is generally $1 million USD (or currency equivalent). That amount may be modified at GMO’s discretion.

UCITS literature is available for specific funds within Investment Capabilities or in the Document Library.

For inquiries about investing in GMO UCITS, please contact us or contact your GMO relationship manager.

Irish Alternative Investment Funds

The target market for GMO Irish Alternative Investment Funds is institutional investors within certain European Economic Area countries, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom. Investors in other countries may be eligible to invest on a case-by-case basis. The minimum initial investment size in GMO Irish Alternative Investment Funds is generally $5 million USD (or currency equivalent). That amount may be modified at GMO’s discretion.

Relevant fund literature is available for specific funds within Investment Capabilities or in the Document Library.

For inquiries about investing in GMO Alternative Investment Funds, please contact us or contact your GMO relationship manager.

Mutual Funds – GMO Trust

GMO Trust Mutual Funds are intended for use primarily by institutional investors domiciled outside the European Union.

The minimum initial investment size in our GMO Trust Mutual Funds is $5 million. That amount may be modified at GMO’s discretion.

For inquiries about how to purchase shares of a GMO Trust Mutual Fund, contact the GMO Shareholder Services team at or +1.617.346.7646 – or contact your broker or agent.

Mutual Fund literature is available for specific Funds within Investment Capabilities or in the Document Library.

Read the Prospectus carefully before investing.

Separately Managed Accounts

GMO offers separately managed accounts to investors who meet minimum investment size guidelines that vary by investment Strategy and range from $25 million to $500 million.

Please contact us or contact your GMO relationship manager for more information.

Additional Investment Vehicles

GMO offers additional investment vehicles only to accredited investors and, in most cases, qualified purchasers.

Please contact us or contact your GMO relationship manager for more information.