The GMO Multi-Asset Trust seeks to achieve a total return greater than that of its benchmark of 25% MSCI All Country World ex Australia Index Unhedged, 25% MSCI All Country World ex Australia Index Hedged, and 50% Bloomberg Global Aggregate Index Hedged, over a complete market cycle by allocating dynamically across asset classes.
The philosophy that underlies all of GMO’s Asset Allocation investment strategies is the belief that, at times and in the short term, the pricing of asset classes can deviate from true intrinsic value, but mean reverts to appropriate valuation levels over the long term. GMO’s proprietary 7-Year Asset Class Forecasts form the foundation of our investment process, providing a framework to assess the return opportunity embedded in different asset classes. We use that insight to allocate to what we believe are the most attractively priced asset classes. We also seek to add value through security selection within both traditional and alternative asset classes.
GMO Trust Additional Investment Form | Download | |
GMO Trust Redemption Form | Download | |
Fact Sheet | Download | |
Information Memorandum for Wholesale Investors | Download | |
CRS Self Certification Form for Entities | Download | |
CRS Self Certification Form for Individuals | Download | |
Statement of Additional Information | Download | |
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Performance | Download | |
Portfolio Composition | Download | |
Holdings - Exploded | Download | |
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Commentary & Attribution
Commentary Quarterly | Download | |
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Investor Information
Annual Report | Download | |
NAVs and Distributions | Download | |
Target Market Determination | Download | |
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Risks associated with investing in the Trust may include: (1) Market Risk - Equities: the market price of equities may decline due to factors affecting the issuer, its industries, or the economy and equity markets generally. Declines in stock market prices generally are likely to reduce the net asset value of the Fund's shares; (2) Commodities Risk: commodity prices can be extremely volatile, and exposure to commodities can cause the value of the Fund's shares to decline or fluctuate more than if the Fund had a broader range of investments; and (3) Management and Operational Risk: The risk that GMO's investment techniques will fail to produce desired results, including annualized returns and annualized volatility. For a more complete discussion of these and other risks, please consult the Trusts Product Disclosure Statement.
The GMO Australia Trusts (the "Trusts") are issued by GMO Australia Limited ABN 30 071 502 639, AFS Licence No. 236 656. The Trusts accept investments from wholesale investors only. Retail investors are not able to directly invest in the Trusts but may be able to gain exposure to some of the Trusts by investing with certain investor directed portfolio services, master trusts, wrap accounts or custodians ("Services"). GMO Australia Limited, GMO LLC, and their affiliates, do not guarantee the performance of any Trust or the repayment of an investor's capital.
This information is of a general nature only and is not advice. It does not take into account the objectives, financial situation or needs of any specific investor. The offer to invest in a Trust for wholesale investors is contained in the current Information Memorandum. A Product Disclosure Statement ("PDS") may be available for some of the Trusts and is solely for use by retail investors gaining exposure to a Trust through a Service. The Information Memorandum and PDS (if available) may be accessed from this website. Investors should read the Information Memorandum or PDS, consider their own circumstances, and obtain their own advice before making an investment decision.
Unit holder Communications
From time-to-time GMO will send you:
• Notices in relation to meetings of the members of a GMO Australian trust;
• Statutory reports (including the annual report), (together, “Unit holder Communications”).
GMO will send you Unit holder Communications electronically where you have provided us with an email address, unless you have specifically elected or requested otherwise. We therefore encourage you to provide us with your email address so we can communicate with you electronically when Unit holder Communications become available. Please note, we are required to advise you that you can elect (on a standing basis) to receive some or all of your Unit holder Communications in physical or electronic form or to not receive certain Unit holder Communications such as the annual report. You may also request on an ad hoc basis to receive a particular Unit holder Communication in physical or electronic form.
Please contact GMO Australia’s Client Relations team (sydcst@gmo.com) with any questions or to change your election.