For information regarding any of GMO’s Australian Trusts, please contact the Sydney Global Client Relations team E: T: +61 2 8274 9900
For career opportunities, please use our job application site on the Careers page.
For employment verifications, please call the main phone number listed below.
Unit-holder queries, unit-holders with enquiries about their holding should contact State Street Australia Unit Registry. E: T: +61 2 9323 6000.
To make a complaint about GMO Australia or any of its products or services, please email Please refer to our Complaints Handling Policies and Procedures document.
Office Location
Suite 43.02, Grosvenor Place
225 George Street
Sydney, NSW 2000
Telephone: +61.2.8274.9900
Sydney Mailing Address
PO Box R1817
Royal Exchange, NSW 1225