The GMO U.S. Opportunistic Value Fund (the “Fund”) seeks to generate total return by investing primarily in U.S. equities. The Fund measures its performance against the MSCI U.S. Value Index.
GMO’s U.S. Opportunistic Value Fund seeks to profit from our Asset Allocation Team’s top-down insights as to the most attractively valued segment of the U.S. market. Currently, the team finds “deep value” (cheapest 20%) stocks to be truly dislocated in the U.S. This actively managed Fund avoids the “shallow value” stocks, which are expensive relative to their own history, and focuses solely on the deep value names. With this Fund we focus on the U.S. stocks that GMO’s Systematic Equity team identifies as the most undervalued, recognizing that relying on reported financials and index definitions of value can lead investors to misjudge the opportunity.
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Commentary & Attribution
Risks associated with investing in the Fund may include: (1) Focused Investment Risk: the Fund invests its assets in the securities of a limited number of issuers, and a decline in the market price of a particular security held by the Fund may affect the Fund's performance more than if the Fund invested in the securities of a larger number of issuers; (2) Commodities Risk: commodity prices can be extremely volatile, and exposure to commodities can cause the value of the Fund's shares to decline or fluctuate more than if the Fund had a broader range of investments; and (3) Market Risk - Equities: the market price of equities may decline due to factors affecting the issuer, its industries, or the economy and equity markets generally. Declines in stock market prices generally are likely to reduce the net asset value of the Fund's shares.For a more complete discussion of these and other risks, please consult the Fund's Prospectus.
An investor should consider the fund’s investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses before investing. This and other important information can be found in the fund’s prospectus. Read the prospectus carefully before investing. Please see prospectus above.
The GMO Trust funds are distributed in the United States by Funds Distributor LLC. GMO and Funds Distributor LLC are not affiliated.