Industry Determination Methodology

GMO relies on data feeds from third-party service providers to determine whether a company is in a particular industry.  In particular, GMO will look to revenue percentages generated by certain business activities or subindustry classification codes provided in these data feeds.  Generally, the revenue percentages are derived from figures reported by issuers or, if not reported, estimated figures based on information available that is sufficient and reliable. 

Regarding the specific industries listed in the prospectus, GMO considers the following business activities to be relevant for the foregoing analysis:


Business Activity

Exclusion Criteria

Adult Entertainment

Production, distribution, and/or retailing of adult entertainment.

5% or greater of its revenue is derived from business activity associated with such industry


Production of alcoholic beverages, or the manufacture and supply of key raw materials and other products used specifically for the production of alcoholic products.

5% or greater of its revenue is derived from business activity associated with such industry

Fossil fuels

Oil & Gas Drilling, Oil & Gas Exploration and Production, or Coal & Consumable Fuels.

Primary classification based on subindustry codes


Ownership or operation of gambling facilities, or from supplying key products or services fundamental to gambling operations.

5% or greater of its revenue is derived from business activity associated with such industry


Production or supply of tobacco related products.

5% or greater of its revenue is derived from business activity associated with such industry

Conventional and Controversial Weapons  

Production of Weapons Systems, Components and Support Systems and Services.

5% or greater of its revenue is derived from business activity associated with such industry